Friday, October 31, 2008


Usually when I think of multitasking, I think of doing two or more jobs at the same time. Who says the things have to be jobs?  Something I read recently has been on my mind - it said, basically, that life is short, and it's getting shorter by the minute.  What is important to you?  Here's my list:  my family - husband, parents/siblings, three dogs, three cats, one bird, and one horse, quilting, the outdoors and all its creatures, and seeing as many different places on this planet as I can.  Why does it seem so hard to fit these things into my daily life?  Worse yet is the time wasted worrying about not having enough time!  I make a lot of to-do lists...but none of the above are ever on them.  Hmmm....  well, recently I was caught multi"task"ing:

This is Jack - he's seven.  The book I'm reading, by the way, is Dancing at the Rascal Fair by Ivan Doig.  Highly recommended.  I'm really enjoying my current read - The Whole World Over, by Julia Glass.  It's one of those where reading a paragraph gives me the same feeling as hearing a chord resolved in music.  Seems like something that should be on my list....

It's  a good thing there are some great quilt shops in Nebraska, otherwise all the hours I spend on I-80 would consist of holding my breath past the feedlots and counting how many times I cross the Platte river.  (actually, road trips are a chance to 'read' two books at one time, thanks to Recorded Books)  On my recent trip, I stopped in Lincoln to visit the International Quilt Study Center & Museum.  The current exhibits are Korean pojabi - amazing - and a challenge of 'green' quilts emphasizing the environment and eco-friendly quilting materials.  This last part is sponsored by Mountain Mist - they have battings and stuffing made of PLA fibers derived from corn.  We're stuffing our CQ Horse Show stick ponies with it.

My messy stash of scraps is gradually, amazingly, being turned into cut pieces ready to be sewn together, thanks to Scrap Therapy.  I know I'm not alone in wanting to use what I have and not waste anything.  I grew up with the reuse/recycle/replace doctrine - Mom rinses out baggies and scrubs aluminum foil - so I love the fact that my stash is being used.  Here's my current Scrap Therapy project:

I think it's pretty cute - right up my alley and I've always loved a checkerboard.  Scrap Therapy is hot and happening at CQ.

It's time to check 'update blog' off my list for today and move on...  I think I have some important things to enjoy.
